Monday, March 19, 2007

caPTAiN DandY Has Left The Building

A little over a year ago, on my 50th birthday, my wife and I went to see a Psychic Medium on a whim. We were visiting Cannon Beach at the Oregon coast, and checking out art galleries etc. when we saw a sign for a Medium. We decided it would be interesting to ask her questions relating to our activism work.

What the woman told us made sense. She said we were very devoted to our work... perhaps too devoted. She suggested we bring more “joy” and “fun” to our work, and ease up on the serious approach she sensed we were currently taking. At the time it seemed like some kind of wake up call, and we began talking about what she had said.

Later that evening sitting on the balcony of our hotel room I came up with an idea. I was going to create a fun and joyful activist name for myself. How I came up with CAptaiN dANDY I don’t exactly remember. My wife decided Magenta would be her new name based on one of the Medium’s reading of her aura.

In that last year I have truthfully experienced little joy or fun. It’s actually been one of the most painful and saddest years of my life. I’ve become acutely aware of what I already knew on a lesser level. The system people with disabilities are living in is WHACKED!! I’ve known for a while that Oregon’s, service delivery system was unfair, inequitable, and inaccessible, now I see it’s more of a nation wide problem. Of course that does little in making me feel better, but I’ve also learned that there are folks all over this country equally unwilling to be silenced by those who seek the status quo.

I’ve decided to let caP d. hit the road. This work is far too important to me to allow a fun name get in the way of my message. FIX THIS MESS NOW!

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