Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Oregon Concept 87 Pondering

In response to the latest, Oregon Legislative Concept 87 (LC87):
SUMMARY OF LC87*: Proposes, in response to an emergency, to change the Oregon code and/or statute and/or rules to reserve a “special fund” in the Treasury (the “Quality Care Fund”), set aside from the fines collected from agencies employing persons found of substantiated abuse, to be reserved for the exclusive purpose of allocating resources to DHS to administer the training, technical assistance and quality assurance necessary to meet their obligation under current requirements of law. *[DAWGOregon’s interpretation of a piece of the proposal].

After much thought about the Quality of Care Fund I’ve come to a few conclusions that I’d like to share with you. I don’t see this as much more than a temporary band aid for the problem of abuse/neglect. I’d like to know what your feelings are.

I guess the plan is to fund training and monitoring through fines levied on agencies where incidents of abuse and neglect of people with developmental disabilities occur. While I agree that this problem must be dealt with immediately, it’s hard to see how this plan will be preventative.

First of all, it seems to me that this concept is short sighted, and will only facilitate the cycle of abuse. The best way to demonstrate this is through a map I made in figuring this out. It’s below the text here.

Secondly, this unsustainable fund asks nothing of anyone other than people who experience abuse, their abusers and the agencies they work for. Isn’t it time that the people of Oregon invest SOMETHING in our citizenry?

I’ll look forward to your thoughts.

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