Friday, February 06, 2009


I've been watching a hearing on House Bill 2054 which deals with a registry for the police identifying folks with mental health issues. Bob Joondeph was giving expert testimony about his take on the bill. He talked about confidentiality regarding employment and insurance. He's very concerned that people could be harmed if their personal information was breached.

He also spoke of the need for Administative Rules being in place to ensure the effectivness of such a registry. However; Mr. J. really must believe Administrative Rules are made to be broken. This was the case when he did NOTHING as Multnomah County broke 2 of them a few years back.

As his pal Bill Toomey attempted to have me removed from my friend's ISP Team while medical decisions were being made he did nothing. There's an Administative Rule that says that should not happen. When the county refused to follow the Administative Rule which says a grievance committee should be in place to hear complaints about their employees, he did nothing.

He says he did a good job representing my friend. Go figure...

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