Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Takin' It To The Legislature!!

I'm extremely concerned about state budget cuts coming down the pike. As I've mentioned before, the state always seems to look for budgetary solutions off the backs of people with disabilities. That's been factually happening in Oregon for far too long. It's time to stop playing nice, and let the legislature KNOW that such practice is no longer acceptable.

There needs to be strong leadership coming from the disability community. Not just some talk and letters that may or may not be read. Here are some of what's currently being tossed around as solutions. It comes from the DD (Developmental Disability) Coalition...

"The economic news is grim at both the State and Federal level. It is in the midst of this ongoing bad economic news that State agencies and the Governor are wrapping up the current budget and preparing for the next biennium. The Department of Human Services has already reported that the 2007 -2009 budget is over $71 million short due to increased costs and increased numbers of people seeking help.

The Department has identified 10 percent reductions in their proposal for next biennium. These proposed reductions will have a very negative impact on services to people with developmental disabilities. Some of the reductions include delays in providing Cost of Living Adjustments (COLA), elimination of vision and dental services, reduction in the Comp 300 (group home and foster care placements), delay in developing a new brokerage (a case management system for people waiting for services), reductions in the Employed Persons with Disabilities Program, removing funding from the Medically Fragile Program and family support, almost a 50 percent reduction in DD training dollars, and reductions in community mental health services, to name just a few."

We mustn't allow this ship to sail. Period!

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