Friday, March 06, 2009

Rep. Kotek's Answer

Why and when did the Oregon Channel become the Opera Channel?? For the last 3 days there has been no showing of the 2009 Oregon Legislative Session on my television. Rather, it's been showing the Arts Channel; opera and all. Is this the sort of transparency we are to expect from our legislature??

On February 5th I asked Tina Kotek to look into showing reruns of each day's capitol events in the evening, so low income (can't afford a computer) Oregonians could watch the proceedings. She never wrote me back. I guess this is her answer. There was no real reason for her to respond after all. That's why I voted for her...efficiency.


Oregonian37 said...

I would suggest following up with her and seeing where the issue stands. She nay very well be waiting for some tech answer or some other bureaucratic hang up. Working with our legislators is never a one call or one visit deal. There are too many of us doing it for that to ever be the case. Follow up with her.

Anonymous said...

Yeah...she's probably too caught up in calorie counting, stopping metal theft, and ridding the state of novelty lighters, to put much effort into low income Oregonians.